The year was 1993. A long-time customer approached us needing specific OEM components that were no longer in production. Instead of letting them turn to another company in the hope of obtaining these parts, we rose to their aid and engineered appropriate parts based on the current parts they were using. Thus, our reverse engineering program was born.
In the twenty years that Astro has been providing reverse engineering services, we have worked diligently to perfect our method. Not only can we offer probing and scanning capabilities, as well as electronic drawings, but we are also experts in the FARO Arm portable coordinate measuring technology. With these combined capabilities, we can reverse engineer the most complex parts and contours needed.
What do our reverse engineering capabilities consist of? We can take a customer’s existing tool, evaluate all of the dimensions, and duplicate the part. Instead of using our CAD design services to engineer something on paper, we engineer a part based on an existing tool. Typically, these parts are made from old pieces of equipment which are no longer produced, but need to be upgraded to mirror modern technology. This can be done in a variety of ways: we can develop based on one part, completely tear a machine down and document every part, or work around and evaluate an existing piece of equipment that your company may still be running.
That’s not all—once we document custom machine parts for your business, we hold those records in our database for any future needs. We strive to offer services for any amount of diverse applications. What can we reverse engineer for you?